Allergy testing, therapy planning and desensibilization.
Allergy exam and testing in children and adults under the guidance of an allergy specialist, trained in the best methods for testing and treating allergies. Allergist / immunologist will set an accurate diagnosis, construct a treatment plan that works and provide educational information to help you manage your disease and feel better.
Desensibilization, also called specific immunotherapy or vaccine therapy, is a method of treating allergies accustoming the body to the allergen gradually (through administration of increasing doses of highly purified allergens). This is to date the only treatment that can help cure some allergies and is particularly recommended by the WHO.
Newborn hearing screening
Newborn hearing screening is a hearing test using the automated otoacoustic emission (AOAE) test and it lasts just a few minutes. All babies should be screened for hearing loss no later than 1 month of age, but it is best that they have the first test before leaving the hospital after birth. It’s not always possible to get clear responses from the first test. This happens with a lot of babies, and does not always mean your baby has a permanent hearing loss. Second test is conducted after a month to verify the results. If the second test is failed, the baby should be referred to an audiological exam and hearing testing. It should be kept in mind that hearing testing is not the same as hearing screening.
One or two out of 1000 babies will have hearing loss. Without hearing screening, significant hearing loss is discovered as late as 14 months of age. Our aim is to discover hearing loss as early as possible. If we are late with the diagnosis, development of speech and language would be delayed, as well as child’s ability to learn and to communicate.
Hearing testing in newborns and children
Hearing testing in newborns and children is a complex process. It involves an expert team that consists of otorhinolaringologist, audiologist, hearing-speech therapist and psychologist. Hearing and Speech Center has an expert team with the greatest and longest experience in hearing assessment in Serbia.
There are several tests used in hearing testing Behavioral Audiometry Evaluation, tonal audiometry (in children from 3-4 years old), tympanometry with acoustic reflex, otoacoustic emissions (OAE) and Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Test. Testing process lasts from 90 to 120 minutes, and depends of etiology of hearing loss and age of the child. Every test has its role in setting the proper diagnosis, and sometimes it’s not necessary to conduct all tests. Before conducting the hearing testing, otorhinolaryngological exam is necessary.
If you have a dilemma about your child’s hearing, if a child is not developing speech; or is falling behind their peers in development; or has difficulty in learning, hearing testing should be done.
Hearing testing in adults
Depending on the type of hearing loss, hearing testing in adults consists out of several tests: tonal audiometry, speech audiometry, tympanometry with acoustic reflex testing, otoacoustic emissions (OAE) and auditory brainstem response (ABR) Test. Testing process could last about 60 minutes. Before conducting the hearing testing, otorhinolaryngological exam is necessary.
Hearing loss therapy and hearing aid selection
You will get best treatment option that can help for your specific hearing loss from our experts in Hearing and Speech Center, whatever it’s operative treatment, hearing aids or further rehabilitation of hearing.
Noise protection and hearing loss prevention
Noise has become everyday problem in contemporary society, in work environment, on the street, during out-door activities or in the classrooms. Long or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause permanent hearing loss. Noise exposure also increases fatigue and irritability, influences concentration, studying and work performance. In Hearing and Speech Center, we can offer hearing testing in established plan, education and training in noise protection, and possibility of constructing custom hearing protection.